Sunday, September 21, 2008

The book based on the movie based on the book

Earlier, while browsing around, I found a book for sale based on Who Bob, What Pants? Who Bob is based on a book called "For the Love of Bubbles". This means they've got...

The book...
...based on the movie...
...based on the book.

Ingenius, eh? Maybe ungenius. Or something. It's silly, though. It's like doing a novelization of the Lord of the Rings movies.

Well, maybe not; truthfully, I don't know how similar Who Bob is to For the Love of Bubbles. For all I know, they're two completely different stories, but the movie is supposedly based on it.

I found the concept of basing a book on a movie that was already based on a book funny, though. :) Ah, well. Here's hoping Who Bob, What Pants will be good!

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