Thursday, August 14, 2008

Who Bob, What Pants?

Howdy! Posting once again, because there's a very important topic I forgot to bring up...the third SpongeBob movie!

In my humble opinion, the first movie was good, and people only watched the second because it had David Bowie. But hey, that's just my opinion. I don't even know who he is...

The third movie, Who Bob, What Pants? is loosely based on the SpongeBob book For the Love of Bubbles. All I know about it is that SpongeBob gets amnesia and runs off, wondering who he is. He ends up becoming the mayor of Kelp City, where the people adore him. SpongeBob's friends find him and try to get him to come home, but from SpongeBob's point of view, it's either

A) Go to some place he's never heard of with a bunch of strangers or
B) Stay in the city where the people see him as a hero.

I've never gotten to read For the Love of Bubbles, so this may be interesting. :) They say the DVD may come out on October fourteenth, but I don't know where that came from.

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