Thursday, August 28, 2008


I am feeling very blah Yeahh, I've been lazy. It was a lazy, rainy, depressing week and my website was down for reasons beyond my control, so I just bundled up and read Calvin and Hobbes 'til everything blew over. It was all very "blah," and I couldn't watch television, meaning I couldn't watch Spongey.

Anyway, though, back on subject. In a computer class I'm taking, we're working with Microsoft Powerpoint. We can make a presentation about anything, no matter how stupid it is (as long it's not obscene...), but the default subject is one about yourself.

The "myself" subject is kinda boring, even if I make it about bowing to me and all that, so I was thinking that it had to be SpongeBob-themed. Now, what the heck could I do a SpongeBob presentation about? I'm considering:

  • Why Band Geeks should've beaten Karate Island as #1
  • An overanalysis of the pairing "Spandy"
  • A bizarre, completely made-up interpretation of Patrick's "I Wrote This"

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