And boy, some of them are bizarre. The one I have in mind, though, only kind of is.
I'm a songwriter. I love writing songs and music. I also love SpongeBob. I adore the way he sings. It's so cute! So...weird. I've never really dreamed of going pro or anything, but a few years ago I realized that there is one thing I do want to do with my guessed it...hear Spongey singing it.
I wrote a few songs from his POV three years ago. I picked the one I thought sounded the most like it could be on the show. I've been writing it and rewriting for ages since then, and I like how it currently is. I'm heavily considering recording it and sending it to Nickelodeon.
They've GOT people to write their songs, and the last thing they want is some fourteen-year-old hick. I know I'm more than some hick, but they don't. Besides, showing off my enormouse ego would only earn me a rejection slip.
Of course, the worst they could say is no. In fact, it wouldn't even be some crushing loss, because nothing would change. If I tried it, I might actually get lucky. I'd be pretty embarrassed if I didn't, but I'm always embarrassing myself anyway. XD It's practically who I am.
I'm wondering if I should...I won't post the song, but I like it a lot...
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