Thursday, August 14, 2008

How I met SpongeBob

'Twas a long time ago. Nine years ago, to be exact.

Back in 1999, my siblings and I always tended to bash anything new or anything we weren't interested in. It probably came out of insecurity having to do with some past incidents, but I won't go into those because this isn't about them.

So! This new show came on. It was about a cute little sponge with buck teeth who worked at a restaurant, liked kah-rah-tay and jellyfishing, and wasn't too bright. Sounds funny, right?


My siblings and I immediately starting talking about how dumb it was. Except my youngest brother, who was free from that mindset. None of us ever really watched it that much.

A few weeks later, I was reading a Nickelodeon Magazine (which was much better back in the day). I immediately flipped over to the comics, because that's what I always did. One of the first comics I saw said SpongeBob SquarePants on it in big, bold, letters. Nobody was around. I read the comic once. Or twice. Or thrice, just to get an opinion on it. I liked the comic. Still hated the show.

Soon after that, the aforementioned brother was watching SpongeBob. Like the jerk I was, I told him that he shouldn't be watching it because it was stupid. Not only was I a jerk, but a hypocritical jerk; I was trying to look like I wasn't watching it. It was the very ending of Ripped Pants, followed by Bubblestand. As I left that television, I became a different person; I fell in love.

Maybe that's takin' it a bit far, huh?

And now, the comic.
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