Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sponge Boy

I'm sure we all know a bit about the creation of he was to be named Sponge Boy, and all that. I'd been looking for a source for the information, and I finally found it. A book entitled Makin' Toons: Inside the Most Popular Animated TV Shows and Movies. I haven't had a chance to run down to a book store or library because everything's closed for Labor Day, but I found it on Google Books. Rather than write down the entire section on SpongeBob, I'll just link to it. Linky.

Yeah, the book's going on my birthday list. ^_^ I was thinking about the 'Sponge Boy' thing, and I guess there've been a few references to it on the show. For example, on Frankendoodle, SpongeBob called DoodleBob 'Doodle Boy' at first, then later changed it to 'Bob.'
On Squeaky Boots, Krabs, nervous and high-strung, mistakenly said, "Sponge Boy, me bob!" XD

This post is shorter than the others, I guess...just kinda random. I added a new piece of official art, but it doesn't have alpha.

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